The story of CopQuest

The shooting of Walter Scott became available on YouTube the day before our scheduled game jam. We pulled up the video and watched it and, of course, there were many emotions that erupted in the office that day. It was one of the first times we saw the story play out so transparent. We laughed. You know, laughing that incredulous laughter that really doesn’t indicate humor as much as it indicates confusion and despair. We laughed at how overwhelming evidence had to be on the s...


GamerGate, you never wanted a conversation did you?

This is a sad and embarrassing day in games history. Is this really how we want 2014 to be remembered in Game Design 101 class ten years from now?

“Ah yes, 2014 was the year that gamers nationwide all banded together to send rape threats to female game designers. Why? Journalism.”

“What?” says the doe eyed game designer of tomorrow.


Gamergate, you make no sense. You want to...


Interlude: The #gamergate discussion

I’ve been really debating whether to express an opinion on this #gamergate movement as there seems to be a lot of name calling happening on both sides and its really really hard to understand what the movement is really about. Turns out, whatever its origins, this is really something I can’t, and shouldn’t, keep quiet about. Whatever the initial issues were, the conversation has now largely become a fight for and against the hostile environment that minority gamers and game ...


Day 16: We'll just call this day 16

A lot of updates. So many in fact, that I’ve been procrastinating on this update because of how large the update would be. I’ll just abbreviate it.

Finished the move to Bothell. Here are the highlights

  • moving is expensive
  • moving takes days of walking up and down steps
  • i’m still not done unpacking. I’ve given up for the time being
  • i should sell some of my stuff. but i cant seem to part with my video game/ console c...


    Day Ten (Extended): Sunday Morning Workage

    Status: Game Pusher
    Mood: Focused (well, I will be after I write this blog post)

    You are probably wondering what I mean by “game pusher”. Well since I’ve started doing contract work doing game design / game programming for other projects I’m making enough money to cover start up costs associated with my own game titles… kinda like… well… pushers

    So its Sunday morning and here I am at the Reactor. I’m here today because y...


    Day Ten: how this translates to making money

    Status: An artist that eats delicious burgers with donut buns
    Mood: Chill
    My new roommates and I have finally decided on a new location. As of next week I will be living in Bothell and no longer paying $2000 a month to live in a tiny 2 bedroom apartment. Its a little bit of a distance from my hangout spots in Redmond but I think i can still swing Thursday night Karaoke. Yay!

    Now I can stop getting side tracked on non gamey things like “where am i going to live&rdquo...;


    Day Six: Contractors Ahoy!

    Status: Starving Artist (that is somehow full of Chicken n Biscuit from Lucky Diner)
    Mood: Content (because I am full of delicious foods)

    Exiting pre-production:
    With my game design doc in place and storyboards underway, we are really close to being able to go into full production. This week the coder and artist are being onboarded to the project, learning more about the overall goals, the look and feel of the game, the tasks ...


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