Evie Powell
President / OwnerEvie graduated from University of North Carolina at Charlotte with her Ph.D in Computer Science. Her research interests varied to include socially pervasive game experiences and context aware gaming using mobile technologies. In school, her primary research project was a social networking game called “Snag’em,” which is designed to teach valuable networking skills and increase the sense of community among game players. Dr. Powell used pervasive game design principles and popular social game design strategies to create an experience that increased sense of community, specifically within the computing community, with the end goal of positively impacting student retention and increase student success within computing. Find out more about Evie at www.eviemakesgames.com.

Vida Powell
Business Administrator/Co-OwnerWith over twenty years of administrative, technical, and office management experience from which to draw inspiration, Provida brings an arsenal of experience to the table. Whether interviewing, training, providing conflict resolution, or technical support she specializes in finding solutions. Having had the privilege to work with individuals from wide variety of backgrounds and professions, her experience includes but is not limited to effectively supervising groups, event coordination, web-based platform testing & development, and other technical and non-technical administrative concerns. Provida completed her Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies.

Havilah Farnsworth
Game Designer / ArtistOur team game artist, animator, and game designer. Before Verge of Brilliance, he was an Illustrator/Game Designer at 50 Cubes for 2 years. He’s been drawing cartoons since age 8 and has been animating from the womb (impressive!). Havi’s pastimes are playing video games, watching cartoons, and philosophizing about both.

Alyssia Farlight
Game DesignerAlyssia is a contractor thats work with us on various projects. Alyssia is a wizard when it comes to user interface design, user experience, and all things Unity.